NEWS Archive 2023
The 2023 Annual General Meeting of the National Youth Folklore Troupe of England will take place on
Sunday 26th March at 2pm
and will take place as a video conference.
Connection details will be sent to the current members or may be obtained by application to the Chairman or Secretary through the contact form. Minutes of the last AGM, officers reports and other documentation for the meeting will be made available either through the members only section, or on request. In the interests of an efficient meeting we ask that you review the documentation in advance.
Chair – Rhodri Davies
Secretary – Lucy Skinner
The provisional agenda is:
1. Guidance on the operation of the virtual meeting
2. Apologies
3. Minutes of previous meeting
4. Matters arising
5. Changes to status of the organisation (charity status)
6. Operations Annual Review
7. Artistic Annual Review
8. Financial Report.
9. Setting of Membership Fees for the next year (level, payment date and term)
10. Election of Office Holders & Committee Members
11. AOB
Any nominations for the committee or additional items for the agenda should be sent to the secretary (