After a major fundraising appeal we were able to purchase a new van, get it fitted out and decorated in MYFTE livery ready for the start of the 2019 season.
The van is used as a mobile base for all our equipment - with so many performers and so many different styles of performance it is surprising how quickly the amount of equipment adds up.
We are extremely grateful to the many individuals and clubs who provided us with donations great and small towards the new van. Out old van had served us well for over six years, but it was old when we bought it and the engine was very smoky so we had concerns about it passing its next MOT.
Dave and Heather Leverton retired from their roles as Artistic Director and Secretary (and lots of other things) of the team at the AGM this year.
They were guests of honour at the concert at the end of the training week and for once got to watch the displays.
Dave and Heather Leverton retired from NYFTE after the 2019 AGM. They have been at the helm of the team for many yeas; Dave as Chairman and Artistic Director. Heather as Secretary, first aider, team mum and too many other jobs to mention.
We thank them for their hard work and wish them all the best for the future. Wishes that went along with an Easter egg, a tree and the promise of a bench, engraved with the NYFTE logo, for their garden.
The bench has been delivered and is apparently a hit. Dave and Heather send their thanks to the supporters who contributed to it.
With the financial support of Peter Mayes, who founded NYFTE, we have produced a badge for NYFTE team members. These are only available to team members and leaders and will be presented to them when they retire from the team.
It is our intention to provide these to any former team members who would like one. Please contact us if that applies to you.
At the same time we have produced a supporter's badge available for purchase at our events.