AGM 2024



The 2024 Annual General Meeting of the National Youth Folklore Troupe of England will take place on 

Sunday 24th March at 5pm

and will take place as a video conference.


Connection details will be sent to the current members or may be obtained by application to the Chairman or Secretary through the contact form. Minutes of the last AGM, officers reports and other documentation for the meeting will be made available either through the members only section, or on request. In the interests of an efficient meeting we ask that you review the documentation in advance.

Chair – Rhodri Davies
Secretary – Lucy Skinner

As an organisation, NYFTE is required to have an Annual General Meeting to decide operational practices, financial arrangements and committee post holders for the year  ahead. This year, things are going to be slightly different. Following many months of hard work by a number of committee members and team leaders, NYFTE has been granted charity status. To transfer assets from the existing organisational to the new charity, we need to close the existing organisation and vote in the new board of trustees. To this end, we are giving notice of two general meetings (back to back) which will be held on Sunday 24th March, online. The first will be for the existing organisation, whilst the second will be for NYFTE the charity. Below are the proposed agendas for both meetings.


General Meeting for the Existing Organisation

1) Minutes of Last Meeting
2) Receive Artistic Directors Report
3) Receive the Financial Report
4) To consider the proposal to terminate the current organisation and transfer all assets to the NYFTE charity


This general meeting resolves to dissolve the current association and transfer all assets to charity number 1203573, the National Youth Folk Troupe of England, this being an a charitable institution with similar aims to the current association.

5) if 4 is not passed to continue with the regular business of the AGM (spending thresholds and election of committee)
6) AOB






At the moment NYFTE operates as an association. It is a "club" rather than a legal entity. At previous general meetings and management committee meetings of this association the advantages of converting this association into a charity, have been discussed and there has been support for such a conversion. The advantages include:

  • Clarity about the ability to own property and insure it (e.g. the van)
  • Advantageous VAT and purchasing arrangements as a result of charity status (e.g. the Teams video conferencing system we now use)
  • Easier access to fundraising platforms
  • Tax advantages

To this end a charity has been set up, registered with the Charity Commission (number 1203573) and named the National Youth Folk Troupe of England. This has been deliberately designed to have objectives similar to the current organisation. Its constitution establishes it as a "membership" organisation, where members have some control over its operation through a general meeting. It is currently a "shell" with no assets and with an interim set of Trustees drawn from the current NYFTE committee. We now need to shift from operating as the current association into being the charity. This resolution is designed to achieve that.

Clause 16 of the current NYFTE constitution deals with the dissolution of the current association and specifies that in the event of dissolution "any funds or equipment….shall be…transferred to other charitable institutions with similar aims".




General Meeting for NYFTE the charity




1) To consider and if thought fit approve the nominations for trustees of the charity (thereby terminating the interim trustee appointments)


2) AOB




Recent News


NYFTE took Sidmouth Folk Festival by storm, performing over the first weekend. Current and past members of the team also took part in many other events, from calling, the John Gasson Jig Competition and the Eye on the Future concert.   



2024 saw three NYFTE teams take part in DERT / DERTy in Whitby. Well done to all involved.




The Spring Concert held in Denstone College for the first time was an amazing display of the 2024 repertoire. 




NYFTE is a charity! Whilst this will not outwardly affect the day to day running of the team, it will help us financially and will change things behind the scenes. For more information, please see here.  




We have recently received a donation from Oxfordshire Folk in memory of John Graham. For a brief biography, please see here. Thank you to all involved. 




Many congratulations to the NYFTE Longsword team that came runners up in the 2023 SDU sword dance competition. Read more here.  


Autumn Newsletter 2023
News and updates from the team about our activities this year.
Autumn 2023.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.9 MB

Our leaflet

The NYFTE leaflet
An explanation about NYFTE, what we do and why.
Handout 2020 (1).pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 1.9 MB